How to Survive Any Reputation Crisis

Your reputation is not affected by only one factor. Your reputation is made up of everything you have done, and everything that has been done to you. When building or repairing your online reputation, there are a lot of and components that go in to it. So much goes in to a long term positive reputation. All the work you have done. All of the good deeds you do… BUT >>

Your Reputation can be destroyed by one thing!

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A sudden crisis can rip up all of your good work and throw you into a massive reputation hole.

It could be related to where you’ve been spent your last week, what you’ve done at a party, something you posted on social media… and so on.  Maybe there is a local news article that is damaging your character and harming your image.

Your followers and loved ones always want to know everything about you and about your routine. So this is the time to be cautious about your online image and your brand reputation. Don’t think that your online reputation is a given. There are no givens in this digital world. If something bad happens and you find yourself looking bad in Google search results… What can you do?

Rebuild your personal reputation and repair your business reputation in 2020

worried about negative reputtaion online

If you are a famous or popular personality or brand, your reputation could be hurt even with small things.

It could be a violation of a social rule, negative comments or bad words about something, or about any person, i.e., during an interview if you speak bad words about a politician, a social group, a public figure, disrespecting your followers, support for a group others don’t like. There are so many things that can get you in trouble online, and once you have negative search results about your company, or a negative thread about you online, it can be such a crisis, that some people can’t come back.

any offensive post or status on any social platform can also harm your reputation.

If you publically angered on a person it could ruin love for you in the hearts of your Followers.

How to tackle these Reputation damages:

Reputation repairing is vital in this era where everything spreads so fast.

Today everything is public, even if you want to keep something secret… it can go public in one or another form quickly.

So to be safe from these reputation threats the things to consider are here:

  • Be fair in your dealings with others, either on social media, or offline
  • What you say and do matters all the time. Be careful what you say!
  • Assess your problem and solve it, sometimes things look big but from a different angle are manageable
  • Carefully plan your media strategy and handle scandals in the most decent way.
  • If you have to address something uncomfortable, do it with compassion and honesty.
  • If you are wrong say “Sorry”


Below are some big scandals and the stories of  how these celebrities managed these scandals.


Take Tips from Celebrity Scandals

Tiger Woods Sex Scandal back in 2010: Tiger Woods a famous golfer had a sex scandal, that ruined his reputation first but later he restored his worth, apologised, kept his head down and worked on his craft.

Charlie Sheen scandal of being Blacklisted: Charlie Sheen is often called America’s bad boy. He has confessed to being an alcoholic, drug addict and a womaniser. Yet he always manages his scandals and keeps coming back as popular as ever… Why? Because he is honest about it. He owns it. And people respect honesty.


Repair your Company Crisis Quickly

There are so many ways to repair damage to your image and credibility and it all depends on how you react! If you are in trouble now, call us for a chat on 0800 088 5506.

Repairing your online reputation looks tough at the moment but if you tackle it professionally it can be completely removed from view, and you can turn this current crisis into history.


Don’t feel helpless if others damage your name, worth and question your character. Just stay strong and rise from every depth with dignity.

Have any questions? Call us now on 0800 088 5506

hide & remove negative search results - Reputation Station - 0800 088 5506
hide & remove negative search results – Reputation Station – 0800 088 5506
How to Survive Any Reputation Crisis